Propane BBQ series

If you have an equal love of stone-fired pizzas and quick, easy meals, you have to try BBQ’d pizza! Because the grill is so hot, you get a nice crispy crust and a dinner that’s ready in no time at all, without having to turn your oven on in the middle of a summer heat wave.

You’ll need:

  • Store-bought thin pizza crust (we did say this was an easy recipe!)
  • Your favourite toppings. Some of our recommended combinations are:
    • Tomato sauce (often comes with the crust), pineapple, bacon (cooked and crumbled), and shredded mozzarella cheese
    • Alfredo sauce, cooked chicken (cut into chunks), cherry tomatoes (sliced in half), dollops of pesto, and parmesan cheese
    • BBQ sauce, cooked chicken or pulled pork (a great use of leftovers!), sliced red onions, mushrooms, and shredded Monterey Jack cheese.

Assemble your pizza toppings on your pizza – sauce first, cheese last.

Start up your BBQ on a med-low heat setting. Carefully transfer your pizza onto the hot grill. Propane provides instantaneous heat, so you won’t have to wait for it to get hot. Ideally, you should place your pizza over indirect heat.

Close your BBQ lid and leave it for 2-3 minutes, but don’t go far – you’ll need to keep an eye on your pizza to make sure it doesn’t burn. Since the crust is already cooked, we just want to melt the cheese!

When it’s looking good – the cheese is melted and the crust is slightly golden brown, you’re done! Carefully remove the pizza from the grill and place it on a cutting board.